Data Instincts is a recognized leader in research and reporting on public perception, public outreach and education, and managing community relations around water, recycled water, wastewater, desalination, and advanced water purification issues. This deep knowledge and understanding of the issues gives Data Instincts a unique set of capabilities when it comes to helping your audiences understand, buy-in, and support your agency’s objectives. Here are selected research papers and White Papers which Data Instincts has written or contributed to (all documents are protected under U.S. copyright laws and must be cited appropriately if referenced).
- Communication Plans and Strategies for Advancing Public Acceptance of Potable Reuse Projects – Vital for Our Water Future
Presented at the International Association Desalination – IDA Seville Summit on Water and Climate Change, October 17, 2023 - Water Research Foundation recommended best practices from global experts on wastewater surveillance of the genetic signal of COVID-19 sewersheds
- Model Communication Plans for Increasing Awareness and Fostering Acceptance of Direct Potable Reuse
WRRF 13-02
- Getting Past the “Yuck Factor”
AWWA November 2015
- Helping People Understand Potable Reuse
WRRF Draft June 2015
- Turning the Tide of Public Perception
Water Reuse & Desalination, June 2014
- Development of Public Communication Toolkit for Desalination Projects
Mark Millan/Data Instincts and Patricia Tennyson/Katz & Associates Funded by the national WateReuse Research Foundation Brief synopsis – Importance Of Communicating About A Desal Project
- New Ways to Engage the Community: iPad Tablets Encourage Input Via Interactive Experience
Melanie Mow Schumacher, Robert Singleton, and Mark Millan Presented, California WateReuse Association Annual Conference, Sacramento, California, March 26, 2012
- Improving Public Acceptance: Communicating Risk in Ways Easily Understood by the Public
Mark Millan, Laura Kennedy and Dr. Jean F. Debroux; Presented at Improving Public Acceptance: Communicating Risk in Ways Easily Understood by the Public, International Water Association, Barcelona, Spain, September 29, 2011 Downloadable PowerPoint presentation
- Risk Assessment Study of PPCPs in Recycled Water To Support Public Acceptance
Mark Millan, Laura Kennedy and Dr. Jean F. Debroux; Presented at Dana Point WateReuse Association Conference, March 21, 2011 Downloadable PowerPoint presentation
- Public Acceptance: The Greatest Barrier to Widespread Water Reuse
Executive Director Wade Miller
- Public and Political Acceptance of Direct Potable Reuse
Margaret H. Nellor, P.E., and Mark Millan: Presented at the Direct Potable Reuse Workshop in Sacramento, CA on April 26 & 27, 2010
- Can what we don’t know hurt us? Public Acceptance: What’s working, what isn’t?
Presented at the 2007 California Section Annual Conference in Palm Springs on March 5, 2007
- Getting to the Truth While Gaining Trust: What the Public Really Thinks About Recycled Water
Mark Millan, Lisa Brew-Miller; Presented at the San Francisco WateReuse Conference on March 3, 2006
- Optimizing the Customer Site Retrofit Process While Building Confidence in Public Outreach
Mark Millan, Tom Gorman; Presented at the San Diego WateReuse Conference on February 28, 2005
- From Controversy to Consensus: The Redwood City Water Experience
Peter Ingram, Valerie Young, Mark Millan, Chu Chang, Tonia Tabucchi; Will appear in a special volume of Desalination in Israel devoted to the proceedings of the 2005 Integrated Concepts in Water Recycling Conference.
- Essential Elements to Successful Recycled Water Projects
Mark Millan; Presented at California WateReuse Association Conference in San Francisco on February 28, 2003