What the world can learn from Africa’s ‘cradle of water reclamation’

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VEZA: 8/23/23: There are already several indirect potable reuse – or IPR – facilities reclaiming water in the US and around the world. IPR uses an almost identical treatment process to DPR but for the addition of an environmental buffer, such as a lake, reservoir or groundwater aquifer, where the water sits after a first round of treatment and is diluted with a raw water supply.

NASA Achieves Water Recovery Milestone on International Space Station

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NASA, June 20, 2023: For space missions that venture beyond low Earth orbit, new challenges include how to provide basic needs for crew members without resupply missions from the ground.  NASA is developing life support systems that can regenerate or recycle consumables such as food, air, and water and is testing them on the International Space Station.

Transforming Water: Pure Water Soquel Embraces One Water Approach

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Water Finance & Management, June 20, 2022: Water management strategies tend to evolve gradually with slowly changing community needs. That’s rare in California, where continued population growth and prolonged drought exacerbated by climate change have sparked dramatic change, through initiatives such as the Pure Water San Diego program and Orange County’s Groundwater Replenishment System, now undergoing final expansion. Further north along the Pacific Coast, Pure Water Soquel is another example of timely, transformative action for a more resilient and reliable water supply.