Data Instincts Celebrates 25 years of Public Outreach Success with Recycled Water Projects Throughout the West

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Press Release, July 12, 2023: Since it got its start with the City of Santa Rosa’s Geysers Recharge Project in 1998, the Windsor-based firm has coordinated public outreach for more than $2 billion worth of recycled water projects, from purple pipe to potable reuse. During the past 25 years, the firm has worked on a variety of recycled water projects in California, Oregon, Washington, and Nevada, including purple pipe projects for agricultural and landscape irrigation, potable reuse and advanced purified recycled water.

NASA Achieves Water Recovery Milestone on International Space Station

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NASA, June 20, 2023: For space missions that venture beyond low Earth orbit, new challenges include how to provide basic needs for crew members without resupply missions from the ground.  NASA is developing life support systems that can regenerate or recycle consumables such as food, air, and water and is testing them on the International Space Station.

Transforming Water: Pure Water Soquel Embraces One Water Approach

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Water Finance & Management, June 20, 2022: Water management strategies tend to evolve gradually with slowly changing community needs. That’s rare in California, where continued population growth and prolonged drought exacerbated by climate change have sparked dramatic change, through initiatives such as the Pure Water San Diego program and Orange County’s Groundwater Replenishment System, now undergoing final expansion. Further north along the Pacific Coast, Pure Water Soquel is another example of timely, transformative action for a more resilient and reliable water supply.

In An Arid U.S. West, Water Agencies Look to Deliver Purified Wastewater Directly to Customers’ Faucets, Despite “Yuck Factor”

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ENSIA, August 8, 2021: For decades, water officials in San Diego, realizing the city was facing an ever-drier future, have worked to make the idea of what’s known as “direct potable reuse,” or DPR, more palatable to residents. In the 1990s, that turned into an uphill battle. The technology delivers purified wastewater to customers’ faucets without an environmental buffer — such as a groundwater aquifer, river or other go-between — prior to distribution, so opponents labeled it “toilet-to-tap.” The epithet stuck and torpedoed the Southern California city’s water recycling plans.

The Future of Water in the American Southwest

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Counter Punch, April 27, 2021: The Southwestern states, in particular, have faced frequent and ongoing droughts over the past two decades, and traditional water supplies are failing. As groundwater supplies in the region have depleted substantially, rainfall has decreased and the costs of importing water have risen substantially.

Town of Windsor Councilmember Mark Millan receives award from American Council of Engineering Companies for Elected Official Champion of the Year

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Press Release, October 8, 2018: Windsor, CA – Town of Windsor Councilmember, Mark Millan, has been selected for “Infrastructure Elected Official Champion of the Year” by the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC)-CA North Coast Chapter. The award honors an elected official who has made significant contributions toward development of critical community infrastructure.

WRRF Releases Model Communication Plans to Foster Acceptance of Potable Reuse

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Press Release, January 27, 2015: Potable reuse involves the use of proven and reliable technology to purify recycled water so that it can safely supplement the drinking water supplies of communities. It is especially valuable to communities in water-scarce regions. Experience among water agencies and municipalities has shown, however, that public acceptance of direct potable reuse is one of the primary challenges facing this source of water supply.